Weekly Review - Sep 14th

by InnerSphereNews in [ Developer Blogs ] on, Sep 14, 2012 1:00 PM UTC 12  comments

Bam, week done, finished. The weekend looms ahead, large and inviting. What'll everyone be doing? For our review, let's look back and see what happened. Most of it was good, some sad.

I want to start by offering my condolances to the wife, children, family, friends, and fellow Goodswarmers of Sean Smith, AKA 'Vile Rat.' Though I had never met him, even I knew Kill A Blue -> Tell Vile Rat. He will truly be missed, and I have named my Jenner (complete with XL engine and 6 small lasers) Kill A Blue in his honour.

Over on our end, we started the week with Ask The Devs 16 - Answers. Following that, we had our 10th Desktop Wallpaper (which was not my personal Mech, but similar to Mr. Pond.) and we had a great Wednesday with our Dev Chat with Thomas Dziegielewski, the Senior Gameplay Engineer. After that was Weekly Screenshot 18, where I asked everyone to guess what happened. What's your guess?

The MechWarrior Online Team