Announcing the End of Phoenix Packages

by InnerSphereNews in [ Inner Sphere News ] on, Nov 20, 2013 9:55 PM UTC 106  comments

In June we received leaked documents about a massive initiative designated as ‘Project Phoenix’ featuring an exotic range of ancient technology thought lost to the sands of time. After uncovering these unique BattleMechs, ComStar's adaptation of this technology is almost complete. With Saber Reinforcements expected to arrive December 17, the final chance to purchase Project Phoenix and Saber Reinforcements is December 3.

Each package delivers both the Phoenix BattleMechs of each unique chassis type, plus two Standard Variants. See the package details here for the full readout on the package contents that accompany each tier. Project Phoenix will never be made available again! A FAQ can be found here.

Project Phoenix and Saber Reinforcements will no longer be available for purchase after December 3, 2013 at 23:59 UTC.