Hot-fix Scheduled for February 22nd at 2PM PST/10PM UTC

by Alexander Garden in [ Announcements ] on, Feb 22, 2016 9:00 PM UTC 66  comments
Greetings MechWarriors,

We will be rolling out a hot-fix today, Monday February 22nd, scheduled for 2:00 PM PST [10PM UTC], with the following fixes:

• Fixed an issue where all Accel/Decel and Turn Rate Quirks were not functional (full details below).
• Fixed an issue with certain 'Mechs where the firing delay caused by a closed weapon door could apply even when the door was open.
• Fixed an issue where cycling through 'Mechs as a Spectator could cause other Specators to also cycle through 'Mechs.

That first one requires some explanation.

During an investigation into reported issues with the behavior of Acceleration/Deceleration and Turn Rate Quirks we discovered a more significant problem was at play. In the December 1st balance pass the original three-tier Low/Mid/High system for handling Accel/Decel Quirks was transitioned to a single ‘All’ system, both to reduce the number of Quirks per-'Mech and to make the Quirk entry system more efficient.

As a result of this change there were two sets of Quirk builds in our internal version control system. We used a method for consolidation that allowed us to enter just one value for each of the Acceleration and Deceleration Quirks, instead of needing to add separate values for each of the Low, Mid, and High speed tiers. The tier system was technically still in place, but the consolidation method treated them as ‘All’ Quirks, and the client only checked against those ‘All’ values.

Unfortunately this consolidation method was only added to the internal test builds. It was not brought into the main build. As a result the Quirk system functioned correctly during testing, but when everything was pulled into the main build for live release the ‘All’ consolidation system wasn’t utilized. This caused any and all Acceleration, Deceleration, and Turn Rate Quirks to become non-functional, for every 'Mech that had such Quirks.

Todays hot-fix is correcting that issue. All Acceleration/Deceleration and Turn Rate Quirks will now be active. Any ‘Mechs with these Quirks will now behave correctly, according to the values displayed in their current Quirk list.

We realize this will likely have a clear effect on how matches play out, as a large number of ‘Mechs on the battlefield will see a sudden increase to their mobility. We will closely monitor the result of these changes and make adjustments as needed.

We sincerely apologize for this oversight. We are taking steps to ensure this doesn’t happen again.

The maximum estimated downtime required for this hot-fix will be approximately 30 minutes.
When services are restored you will be required to apply a small patch.


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