Hot-fix Scheduled for March 22nd at 3PM PDT/10PM UTC

by Alexander Garden in [ Announcements ] on, Mar 21, 2016 11:00 PM UTC 107  comments
Greetings MechWarriors,

We will be rolling out a hot-fix tomorrow, Tuesday March 22nd, scheduled for 3:00 PM PDT [10PM UTC], with the following changes:

Conquest Game Mode
Conquest matches will now end if both of the following two conditions are met:
a) The Enemy team has been eliminated and
b) The surviving team holds a sufficient number of Capture zones to ensure a Resource Point victory (if the match were to end at the expiration of the match clock)

Domination Game Mode
Domination matches will now end if both of the following two conditions are met:
a) The Enemy team has been eliminated and
b) at least one surviving 'Mech is inside the capture radius with more time left on the match clock than is needed to finish their capture

Quirk Adjustments
Archer ARC-2R and ARC-2R [S]
 Added Missile Heat Gen -10%
 Increased CT Structure from 11 to 22
 Added LT structure +15
 Added RT structure +15

Archer ARC-5S
• Added Missile Cooldown -5%
• Added Missile Heat Gen -5%
• Added CT Structure 22
• Added LT Structure 15
• Added RT Structure 15

Archer ARC-5W
• Increased Acceleration from 30% to 60%
• Increased Deceleration from 30% to 60%
• Increased CT Structure from 11 to 22
• Increased LT Structure from 7 to 15 
• Increased RT Structure from 7 to 15 
• Added Structure LA 9
• Added Structure RA 9

Archer ARC-T
• Added Missile Velocity +10%
• Increased Missile Heat Gen from -5% to -10%
• Increased CT Structure from 11 to 18
• Increased LT Structure from 7 to 12
• Increased RT Structure from 7 to 12
• Increased LA Structure from 5 to 9
• Increased RA Structure from 5 to 9
• Increased LA Structure from 5 to 9
• Increased LL Structure from 7 to 12
• Increased RL Structure from 7 to 12

The maximum estimated downtime required for this hot-fix will be approximately 30 minutes.
When services are restored you will be required to apply a small patch.