Greetings MechWarriors!
MWO Comp is a new hub on Discord for active player-run competitions and discussions taking place in MechWarrior Online!
There are currently 4 player-run competitions held, each of which will be live shout casted matches, with interviews, prizes and special events for spectators and players alike.
For the Players:
- Open, friendly chat about MWO
- Mech Lab advice
- Find a competitive team to join
- Stay up to date on the MWO competitive scene
Educational Streamers
For the Teams:
- Enter and talk about all active MWO comps
- Have your say on MWO Comps
- Find players wanting to join teams
Find and organise scrims with other teams
For the League Planners:
- Use our support base to grow your leagues.
- A Team of casters, refs that are willing to help
- Personal channel for your league's organisation and advertisement
Use of our various platforms if needed