Starts: Feb 23rd 4pm PST/Feb 24th 12am UTC
Ends: March 9th 4pm PST/March 10th 12am UTC
50% OFF the C-Bill and MC prices of:
All Engines
All Weapons
All Consumables
'Mech Bays
Premium Time
and the following 'Mechs:
Hellbringer (all variants)
Timber Wolf (all variants)
BattleMaster (all variants)
Mad Cat Mk II (all variants)
Banshee (all variants)
UrbanMech UM-SC
Jenner IIC JR7-FY
Cicada CDA-3C, CDA-3F
Vulcan VL-2T
Viper VPR-Prime, A, B, C, D, F, M
Vindicator VND-1X
Nova (all variants)
Dragon DRG-5N
Victor VTR-9K
Kodiak KDK-1